Moving Into Snow Country? Here Are Some Things To Consider

Moving cross country is always difficult, but moving from a warmer climate to somewhere where snow is commonplace adds a whole new level of complexity to your move. There are several things you need to plan for in order to get ready for your first "real" winter. Move When the Weather is Mild Of course you don't want to move in January or February, this gives you no time to prep for winter.

How To Prepare A Broken Wood Framed Window For Replacement Glass

Did one of your children put a baseball through the kitchen window again? While you are waiting for the glass repairer to arrive, you can remove the existing glass. Not only will this make the installation process faster, but it could save you some money on the repair bill. You Will Need: A small drop cloth A thick pair of work gloves A cardboard box for the broken glass A wood chisel A putty knife A heat gun Medium grade sandpaper A small tin of linseed oil A paintbrush All of these items can be purchased at your closest home hardware store.

4 Crucial Tips For Moving Overseas

The world is a very big place, and experiencing a different culture is one of the best ways a person can broaden the mind. There are many reasons to move abroad. Whether you're simply taking a few college courses across the Atlantic or you're making a permanent move to a different country, you will first have to consider how you're going to transport your belongings. Moving somewhere in your own country can be stressful enough, but moving internationally adds a plethora of new hassles.

4 Flowering Weeds That Grow Rampant In The Pacific Northwest

If you're trying to maintain a gorgeous garden in your yard, you'll need to watch out for invasive weeds masquerading as beautiful flowers. Although flowering weeds look gorgeous for a short time, they will continue taking over the landscape, strangling everything in their path. You will lose all of your purposefully selected flowers and have to start over next year. By keeping invasive weeds far from your garden, you protect your plants from utter devastation.

3 Important Steps To Eliminate Pantry Pests

One of the most disturbing things you may discover in your house is bugs inside your food. Have you recently opened up a box of bread crumbs, cereal, or a spice jar and found bugs in it? Not only is this horrifying to see this, but it may leave you wondering if all of your food is infested! When this happens, there are several steps you can take to eliminate the problem and make sure that your food is free of bugs.